brand alchemy lab price increases from $297 to $497 on january 8th. save $200 now!

Hey entrepreneurs and leaders. It's time for you to stand out and sell with your personal brand.

Completely revamp your brand in ONLY TWO WEEKS so you stand out as an authority while attracting the right clients who are ready to pay you thousands for your expertise.

with Brand Alchemy Lab

you already know...

Your brand directly impacts the amount of money you make 💰

you know that a good brand is the foundation of a million dollar business. just think about disney, apple, chanel, and gucci.

You need an intentionally strategized brand if you want to consistently attract clients and eventually scale your business to the millions.

People are judging you.

This is just a fact.

The first impression someone has of your business is based on their perception of your brand.

Don't you want to be in control of that?

If you don't have a solid brand...


You won't be seen as an authority

You're great at what you do and your clients get awesome results, but you're losing out on clients and sales because people don't see you as an authority due to your lackluster and uncoordinated brand.


You won't be memorable

If you want to stand out in someone's mind, you need a good brand. And your brand is so much more than just "fonts and colors" or the visual part of branding. Your brand is the entire north star for your business that helps you reach your goals.


You won't make smart decisions

Without a clear brand, you'll have a hard time making decisions and you're much more likely to get shiny object syndrome. Having a solid brand in place helps you make smart business decisions to reach your goals faster.

An intentionally curated brand is the foundation to becoming a well-known leader.

And you can build a stand out brand that is 100% true to who you are using the brand alchemy process

Brand Alchemy 🧪 happens in 3 parts...



  • Understand exactly what your brand stands for and how you can stand out in a crowded market

  • Create a plan for the future to know exactly where you're headed, eliminating any guesswork

  • Become totally aligned with a brand vision that ensures every action and decision made in your business serve your ultimate goals

  • Make business feel 10x easier by having a map that guides you

  • Attract aligned clients and community who identify with your mission and become loyal super supporters of your brand

  • Stay focused on only what matters and eliminate shiny object syndrome



  • Become unforgettable and obsession-worthy while dazzling your dream clients with a powerful message

  • Make deeper, more impactful connections that move people along the client journey closer to purchase

  • Create a cohesive and memorable brand message that resonates instantly with your dream clients

  • Build a community of loyal fans who feel like you're speaking directly to them

  • Clearly communicate what you do and why people should care so they get it on an emotional and subconscious level


  • Become recognizable and memorable without even saying a word

  • Create a "love at first sight" experience that makes people want to learn more about your brand

  • Elevate your brand’s visual appeal to match the high quality of your offerings

  • Understand the psychology of brand vibes and visuals, ensuring your brand communicates your message on a subconscious level

  • Improve the subconscious perception of your brand... this is crucial if you want to charge more

  • Connect with your audience on a deeper emotional level through brand archetypes and character representations


Brand Alchemy Lab is a 3-part course, workbook, and template that guides you through the process of completely revamping your brand in ONLY TWO WEEKS so you stand out as an authority while attracting the right clients who are ready to pay you thousands for your expertise.


  • 7 videos walking you step-by-step through our proprietary Vision, Vibe, Voice process that includes every single thing you need to create an authoritative, cohesive, and powerful brand that will help you attract clients and scale your business

  • An example brand that shows you how to implement all parts of the Vision, Vibe, Voice process with detailed samples

  • A walkthrough of creating a Brand Book of Shadows so you know exactly how to create your own

  • Our Brand Book of Shadows template, which is the perfect resource to make sure you always stay on brand no matter how big you grow or who you outsource to

  • BONUS: Get the Awareness, Allure, Authority framework videos that are the perfect complement to Brand Alchemy Lab

"Hey Juliana, I just wanted to drop a LOVE BOMB on you here. You and your brand strategy genius is 🤌🏼 pure magic 🤌🏼. I am always amazed at how you can see me for who I am, my values and infused it into my brand in a way that makes my message even more impactful! Thank you so damn much and I can truly say whenever I had a major pivot in business, you were there."

- Niché Arlow

"Juliana breaks the process and ideas behind branding into parts that not only helps you see the "what", but the "why" as well. Between the videos to help you understand the concepts and the workbook to guide you into conceptualizing your brand, Brand Alchemy Lab is a powerful course to guide you to creating your epic brand."

- Karen Burke

"She really understands how to put your personality into your brand so you don't just look and sound like everyone else, but actually stand out and attract the right people."

- Genevieve Rachal

Take a sneak peak through the looking glass 🔎 into...

The Course Portal

The Workbook

The Brand Book of Shadows Template

Let's FAQ-shit-up!

What's actually inside? Give me the details.

There are 8 videos total for Brand Alchemy Lab (7 about the Brand Alchemy Process then 1 that is an hour-long video of me creating a Brand Book of Shadows to show you the process), a super helpful workbook hosted in Google Docs, and a Brand Book of Shadows template with the example brand I created.

In addition to this, you get bonus access to the Awareness, Allure, Authority framework content, which is 9 videos that are complementary to Brand Alchemy Lab because they talk about your brand vision, voice, and vibe from a different perspective.

Is there any support inside the course? Do I get access to Juliana?

This is a "do it yourself" course, which is why it's only $297. You can ask questions related to the course material in the comments section of the course, but there's no in-depth support. If you want additional support, you can purchase an intensive with Juliana to go over your workbook and your Brand Book of Shadows once you have them created to get feedback.

Is this right for me?

This course is tailored to personal brands like coaches, consultants, online service providers, healers, teachers, mentors, etc.

If you fit that category and don't feel crystal-fucking-clear on your brand vision, brand voice, and/or brand vibe then you will benefit from this course.

How long will I have access for?

You will have lifetime access to this course, meaning the lifetime of the course (so basically unless the internet explodes or something weird happens, you will have access)

How long will it take me to work through the course?

I've included a recommended timeline for working through the course that only takes two weeks! But it's totally self-paced and you'll have access to the course for as long as the course exists, so you can work through it at your own pace.

I have a different question!

You can send us an email at hello @ roartorich . com (take out all the spaces so it looks like an email -- we do this so we don't get added to email scraping lists)


i'm ready for a brand that positions me as an authority so i can attract the right clients who want to pay me thousands.