If you've been promoting your business for at least 6 months, pouring hours of work into your content, and still feel like no one cares or notices you...

I have a question for you.

What's the ONLY difference between...


the 7-figure leader who's out there changing the world with a community that’s absolutely obsessed with her

and she’s bringing in so much cash she’s dining at Michelin-star restaurants and making major donations to animal rights and environmental causes


vs. the stressed-out business owner who's frantically looking for her next sale, wishing the Instagram algorithm was a person so she could mail it a pile of flaming dog poop, and wondering why she’s still stuck in the same place

while popping a cocktail of supplements to try to fix her burnt-out adrenals and cortisol levels

You might think that one of these entrepreneurs easily attracts clients while the other doesn't because they...


have fancy photoshoots and sexy launch graphics


are part of a high ticket mastermind to network


have a team to run their social media

But none of these are the reason that one business owner succeeds while the other struggles.

The real reason some business owners succeed while the others struggle?

They have a magnetic personal brand. Leaders attract clients through the energy, authenticity, and confidence they show up with in their brand.

so that's what you need if you're ready to effortlessly attract clients

When you first started your business, you had a big vision.

You wanted to share your knowledge and change lives with your message. You knew people needed to hear what you have to say.

You imagined yourself speaking on stages, writing books, collaborating with influential people in your industry.

So you started doing the work...

investing in business coaches, buying courses, following advice from experts who told you how to grow your brand and business.

But then you realized… there's way too much competing information out there about how to build an audience and attract clients.

👉🏼 Amy told you to run ads to a lead magnet, but all you got were freebie seekers.

👉🏼 Jen swore by 7-second Instagram reels, but they barely moved the needle for you.

👉🏼 Maria said podcasts are where all the clients are, so you started your own show—only to realize no one was listening and you were wasting time creating episodes.

And now you're tired with a to-do list that is a mile long and you're more confused than when you first started.

And worst of all, you have so much "advice" in your head from other people that you've lost your connection to who YOU are.

You're starting to get jaded and sometimes you think about giving up or doing something easier to make money (Only Fans anyone?)

You’re starting to wonder if you’re really cut out for this.

Deep down, you know you’re not living up to your full potential.

You’ve got this nagging feeling that you could be doing so much better, but something is missing.

You want to be someone unforgettable, someone who impacts people all over the world.

You want to help people with your message AND live your life to the fullest... think first-class flights, luxurious resort getaways, amazing meals, fun memories with friends, and creating real wealth while doing work that lights you up.

But right now, you feel invisible. No matter how much content you create, how hard you hustle, clients aren’t lining up to work with you.

So what's missing?

The secret to success isn’t another marketing strategy. The "secret" is...

  • Becoming a magnetic personal brand that people are naturally drawn to

  • Radiating the type of energy that makes clients fee an instant connection and trust

  • Embodying the identity of a leader who people want to listen to

no more chasing clients. it's time to attract them like moths to a flame.

You’ve already spent countless hours mastering your craft, building your brand, and doing all the things the experts said would help you grow.

But here's the truth: it’s not about another strategy or a bigger following. The missing piece is YOU.

It’s about stepping into your power, embodying your unique magnetism, and creating a brand that people can’t help but be drawn to.

When you learn how to align your energy, tap into your magnetism, and show up as the powerful leader you’re meant to be, that’s when clients start coming to you.

This is your birthright—a life and business that fulfills you on every level, with clients seeking you out, opportunities coming to you effortlessly, and business feeling aligned and natural.

But right now no matter how much you post, you can't seem to reach the next level of income, success, and leadership...

Here are 5 reasons you're currently stuck and feeling invisible

(and how to change that ASAP)

Reason #1: You’re looking for the perfect strategy when the real problem isn't what you're doing, it's how you’re showing up.

You’ve tried all the strategies. Funnels, reels, webinars, ads. But despite your best efforts, nothing’s clicking. You’re still not seeing the traction you want, and you’re stuck thinking, “Maybe I just haven’t found the right approach yet.”

Here’s the truth: It’s not the strategy. It’s you.

No matter how many tactics you try, if your energy isn’t magnetic, if you’re not showing up with unshakable confidence, people won’t be drawn in. You could follow every step to the letter, but if you don’t embody the leader you want to be, it’s never going to land.

People don’t just buy from brands—they buy from the energy behind the brand. The leaders you admire? They’re magnetic because they show up fully. Their confidence pulls you in. They don’t second-guess themselves. And that’s what makes them successful.

The question isn’t what else can I try?—it’s how am I showing up? Are you letting self-doubt seep into your message? Are you holding back, trying to fit into someone else’s mold? If so, no strategy in the world will fix that.

When you show up as the most magnetic, aligned version of yourself, everything changes. People feel it. They trust you. They want to follow you. And that’s what makes strategies work—not the steps themselves, but the person behind them.

Reason #2: You think you need to look like a perfect Instagram influencer to attract clients.

You’ve spent hours scrolling through the feeds of influencers and business owners who seem to have it all together—the perfectly curated photos, designer clothes, luxury vacations.

It’s easy to believe that if you looked the part, then you’d attract the clients, the sales, the success. So you spend more time and money trying to polish your brand to fit that influencer mold.

But here’s the hard truth: That’s not what makes people want to work with you. Clients don’t care if you have an aesthetic feed or expensive photo shoots. What they’re actually drawn to is your authenticity—your energy, your confidence, and how you make them feel.

Trying to copy someone else’s brand or look will only keep you stuck in the comparison trap. You’ll always feel like you’re not “enough” because you’re chasing a version of success that doesn’t fit who you really are.

Your audience wants you—the real, unfiltered, perfectly imperfect version of yourself. The one who shows up unapologetically, shares their quirks, and speaks with conviction. When you lean into your own energy and stop trying to fit into the influencer mold, that’s when people will truly notice you.

Remember: Being magnetic isn’t about looking perfect. It’s about owning your unique magic and letting that be the thing that attracts people to you. Your clients aren’t looking for a highlight reel—they’re looking for someone they can trust, connect with, and feel inspired by. And trust me, that has nothing to do with Birkin bags or beach vacations.

Reason #3: You've been taught the wrong way to build authority.

You’ve been told that authority comes from “proving” yourself. Maybe you've heard that you need to constantly flaunt your wins, show off your income, or talk about how busy and in demand you are to be taken seriously. So, you post screenshots of sales, highlight your achievements, and hope that’s enough to make people see you as the expert.

But deep down, something feels off, doesn’t it?

Because real authority doesn’t come from putting yourself on a pedestal. It’s not about being “above” your audience, or making yourself look better than everyone else. It’s about connection—it’s about showing up with confidence and authenticity in a way that magnetizes people to you naturally.

True leaders don’t need to shout about their success—they embody it. They carry an energy that draws people in because they’re aligned with their purpose, not because they’re constantly trying to prove their worth. Authority comes from how you make people feel when you speak, how grounded and confident you are in your message, and how well you understand and serve your audience.

When you stop chasing external validation and start stepping into your authentic power, you naturally become an authority in your field. Your presence alone will speak volumes.

If you’ve been taught that being “authoritative” means showing off or bragging about success, that’s where you’ve been misled. The truth is, your clients will trust and follow you when they feel seen and understood by you—not because of your income or status, but because of how confidently and authentically you show up to lead them.

Reason #4: You're a lot cooler than you give yourself credit for.

Let’s be real—you’re your own worst critic. You second-guess every decision, every post, every piece of content, wondering if it’s good enough or if people will even care. You question whether you’re smart enough, experienced enough, or “charismatic” enough to stand out in your industry.

Every time you go to launch something, you find yourself spiraling into “What ifs”: What if no one buys? What if people think I’m not good enough? What if I’m just not meant to be a leader?

That self-doubt is keeping you stuck. It’s keeping you invisible. It’s making you play small when deep down, you know you’re meant for something bigger.

Here’s the thing: you’re not lacking the talent or the ability to make a massive impact. What you’re lacking is trust—trust in yourself, trust in your voice, and trust that what you have to say is valuable. The problem isn’t that you’re not good enough, it’s that you don’t believe you’re good enough.

When you doubt yourself, it’s like putting up an invisible wall between you and your audience. They can sense the hesitation, the uncertainty, and the lack of confidence. And if you’re not confident in what you’re offering, why would they be?

But the moment you stop letting self-doubt control you—when you own your expertise and show up with confidence—that’s when everything shifts. Your energy becomes magnetic. People can feel when you believe in yourself, and that belief makes them believe in you too.

You have everything you need to succeed. The only thing holding you back is the doubt that clouds your vision.

Reason #5: You're blaming the algorithm.

Look, I get it—the algorithm can be a real pain. Sometimes it feels like you're shouting into the void, pouring your heart and soul into posts that get buried in people's feeds or ignored altogether. You’ve probably thought, If only the algorithm would work in my favor, I’d finally get the visibility I deserve. Trust me, I’ve been there. And yeah, the algorithm can be frustrating.

But here’s the deal: when you’re truly magnetic—when you’re showing up as your most potent, powerful self—the algorithm doesn’t matter. Because the right people will find you, regardless of what Instagram or Facebook is doing with their code that day.

When you’re in alignment and embodying your full power, you don’t need to rely on hacks or tricks to get noticed.

Your energy cuts through the noise, and the people who are meant to be in your orbit will find you. They’ll be drawn to you like a magnet, even if your posts only reach a fraction of your audience.

The truth is, the algorithm is just one small factor. What really matters is the way you show up. If you’re potent, authentic, and radiating that “I’m here to change the game” energy, people will want to engage with you.

They’ll seek you out, regardless of where your content lands. So, stop blaming the algorithm and start focusing on what truly makes you magnetic—you.


"With Juliana's expert guidance, I unleashed the power of authenticity, letting my true self shine in a sea of sameness. She gave me the confidence and clarity to stand tall and allowed me the clarity needed to pursue a lasting impact. It was under her wing that I uncovered a whole lot of stuff that was holding me back. It's a long journey ahead, but I feel she gave me solid teachings to keep working and succeeding.

What truly sets Juliana apart is her magnetic and gorgeous and kind personality. She fearlessly speaks her truth, dances to her own beat, and inspires me to do the same. Her energy is contagious, and being in her presence is pure magic!

Thanks to Juliana's unwavering support, my business went from drab to fab in just six months. I transformed my earnings from struggle to success, with over 13k€ in my pocket and a sparkling projection of nearly 40k€ in the year ahead (from one client alone). The financial transformation was remarkable but equally important was the stability and support I gained amidst personal challenges.

I am forever grateful to Juliana for her exceptional mentorship, her unwavering support, and her belief in my potential and my talent. She has been a catalyst for my growth as an entrepreneur. It's an honor to be part of her community, and I can confidently say that Juliana is not just a mentor but a true visionary and a force of nature."

Sofia Darling

Graphic & Brand Visionary

Ready for a big sigh of relief?

Your business is about to get a whole lot easier. (And as a bonus, you’ll probably experience deeper confidence and attract new opportunities in your personal life too.)

Finally becoming the leader with unshakable confidence, undeniable influence, and an audience that’s obsessed with you is right around the corner.

If you’ve made it this far, I already know you’re serious about creating a business that does more than just bring in sales... you want to build a legacy, impact lives, and reach hundreds of thousands of people worldwide.

But to do this you have to embody your natural magnetism, master the art of persuasion, and reprogram your mind for success.

With the Authority & Allure Framework, you won’t just attract success, you’ll become the kind of leader who makes success inevitable. (And you’ll do it without the endless hustle, to-do lists, or craving external validation to feel worthy.)

💫 You’ll finally love yourself for who you are and know how to leverage your unique personality to magnetize your dream clients.

💫 You’ll develop your one-of-a-kind leadership style that sets you apart, positions you as the go-to authority in your industry, and brings in clients you can’t wait to work with.

💫 You’ll take bold action toward your goals, making decisions with confidence and ease (no more overthinking, no more overwhelm).

💫 And you’ll build a brand and business that feels aligned with who you are at your core, waking up every day excited to create, lead, and make your impact.

YES, this is all possible for you whether you’re just starting to scale your business or you’ve been in the game for years and feel like you’ve plateaued. Whether you have 1,000 followers or 100,000, it doesn’t matter—the principles of magnetism and leadership apply to you.

But you have to commit to doing the inner work:

  • Embody your magnetic blueprint: Tap into your unique combination of archetypes to attract clients who are not only ready, but thrilled to be part of your movement. No more chasing—just magnetic, aligned connection with people who get it.

  • Radiate unshakable authority: You’ll stop faking confidence and start owning your power. Your energy will naturally command attention, and you’ll attract the right opportunities just by showing up as yourself.

  • Reprogram your subconscious for success: We’ll shift your mindset so that everything you do aligns with your goals. You’ll clear out the self-sabotage and step into a version of yourself that attracts success without overthinking.

  • Master persuasion psychology: Learn the art of influence, so you can effortlessly inspire, persuade, and move people to take action—whether it’s clients, partners, or even the world at large.

  • Recode your energetic frequency: Align your vibration to naturally draw in wealth, opportunities, and success, making it easier than ever to achieve your biggest goals.

So why should you listen to me and not the person telling you about the latest and greatest Instagram hack that helped them gain 100K followers overnight? 😏

Hey, I’m Juliana—cat mom to Belle and Loki, Walt Disney World annual pass holder, lover of black sesame desserts, and owner of more black clothes than Wednesday Addams.

Back in 2016, I was dealing with intense anxiety and a sense of self-worth so low it could have won a limbo contest. That’s when I stumbled into the world of personal development and fell in love with the idea that we could actually become magnetic.

Since then, I've earned a Bachelor of Arts in Marketing & Communications and became a Certified Life & Success Coach.

After working with entrepreneurial leaders all over the world on their magnetism and marketing, I noticed something interesting: I could give two clients the exact same marketing strategy—one would knock it out of the park, while the other would struggle to get any traction.

The difference? It was their energy, their magnetism, their je ne sais quoi. That’s when I realized that the real key to sustainable success lies in who you are, not just what you do.

So, I dove deeper into studying what made certain leaders successful -- what enabled them to stand out and attract an audience filled with loyal fans and paying clients.

This research led me to develop the Authority & Allure framework—a blend of magnetism, identity, and mindset that takes you from feeling “not enough” to leading with confidence and power.

Because success in business is not just about what you do—it’s about who you become. The leaders who truly succeed are those who embody their power and magnetize opportunities effortlessly. That’s the transformation I’m here to guide you through.


"Having Juliana's reassurance and on-going knowledge to support me in decision making led to me feeling empowered, which helped me to show up consistently and sell.

Furthermore, I was able to easily attract and sign leads into my highest touch 1:1 coaching container with EASE in just a few weeks! I tripled my investment & sold out my coaching offers within the first three months of working together."

McKenzie Valenta

Mindset Coach


"Working with Juliana was AMAZING! It really empowered me to step into my true and higher self. She doesn't bullshit and tells you how it is. It's motivating and inspiring to improve, and she gives feedback and guidance on what you're doing and how to improve it in a way thats easy to understand. She has intuitive brilliance of what she sees in you and your brand and it will motivate you to surrender and embody who you are at the core. Working with her is the best thing you can do for yourself, and business."

Katrina Johnson

Spiritual Coach


"As a confidence and embodiment mentor, I help my clients move through fear, but I realized I was struggling with my own fear of judgment, especially when it came to showing up fully in my business. Juliana helped me break through those blocks and gave me the support I needed around visibility. Her guidance, combined with her expertise in marketing and sales, was exactly what I needed. Thanks to her, I ended up having a $300K year! Sometimes, even the coaches need a coach."

Monica Greco

Confidence & Embodiment Mentor


"I reached out to Juliana for her help in removing the blocks that have held me back from showing up online confidently & unapologetically for my business. I had been going through a period of rebirth within my business & had a gut feeling that this session would be exactly what I needed to get to that next level. I was uncomfortable (in a good way) & amazed at how far down we were going in terms of unlocking the origins of my limiting beliefs & mental barriers. The session was everything I needed & more in order to stand in my own power & confidence."

Kelly Freeman

Intuitive Brand Strategist


"Juliana Frisoli is a no-nonsense, get down to business type of coach that will help you to quickly see your blind spots and will not allow you to ignore your self-sabotaging behavior. With empathy and kindness, she holds you accountable and helps direct you to seeing, very clearly, your own BS that is keeping you stuck and pulls out your inner knowing of what you need to do to move forward."

Gigi Amato

Cosmic Creation Coach

Introducing the Authority & Allure membership!

Become a magnetic personal brand from the inside out and get paid to be yourself.

stop overthinking your strategy and start attracting clients who can't wait work with you

  • The 4-part Authority & Allure framework for becoming the leader who effortlessly attracts the right people through your magnetic energy and persuasion powers. You'll learn to draw people in with your presence, fully embody your power, and feel confident in who you are, creating success from the inside out with your Magnetic Blueprint.

  • Limitless "Quickie Coaching" with Juliana inside the Telegram Community so you can quickly shift your vibe and continuously evolve into the person you're meant to be. With ongoing support for your mindset and energy, you'll step into your power faster than ever, attracting opportunities and success with ease.

  • Bi-monthly masterclasses, workshops, or courses designed to support you in shifting from chasing the next strategy, doubting yourself, and wondering if you just "lack discipline" because you can't seem to achieve any of your goals... to becoming the millionaire version of yourself who manifests everything you want.

The Authority & Allure™ Framework


✨ Learn about the 9 different Magnetism Archetypes™ and how to leverage your "archetype trifecta" to stand out online and attract an audience who's totally obsessed with you and your message

✨ Discover your Thought Leader Archetype™ and learn how to create a business model that's totally aligned with your personality

✨ Reveal your Magnetic Blueprint™ which shows you how you're specifically meant to lead and change lives


✨ Understand why journaling, meditation, and visualization didn't create lasting change for you and learn what to do instead to become your most powerful self

✨Use practical exercises that you can incorporate into your daily life to embody your Magnetic Blueprint™

✨ Create a routine that actually works for you (none of that waking up at 5am and taking a cold shower crap -- unless that's your thing which if so... why?)


✨ Master the art of persuasion psychology to captivate your audience without feeling salesy or inauthentic

✨ Use your magnetic energy to create a personal brand that naturally draws in your ideal clients, making them eager to work with you

✨ Craft an irresistible presence both online and offline that positions you as the go-to authority in your field (and also turns heads in publics and gets you free stuff!)


✨ Access powerful daily resources like hypnosis, subliminals, and energy activations to reprogram your subconscious mind for unstoppable success and abundance.

✨ Shift your identity at a core level, so you’re operating from a place of pure magnetism, effortlessly attracting the wealth and opportunities meant for you.

✨ Break through old patterns of doubt and self-sabotage, and step into a version of yourself who sees no limits on what you can achieve or manifest.

The Telegram Community

what's inside:

Quickie Coaching & Questions — Get quick, laser-focused mindset and magnetism coaching from Juliana to keep you aligned and taking action toward your goals. You can also ask questions about anything in the Authority & Allure framework to dive deeper into specific topics.

Juliana's Gems — Get exclusive riffs, insights, and personal shares from Juliana to help you elevate your thoughts and embody your leadership and magnetism on a deeper level.

The Leaders Lounge — A space for leaders to connect, network, and share insights while building relationships and having fun conversations. It’s your go-to spot for community and collaborations.

Celebrations & Shares — Let us cheer you on when you celebrate every win, big or small! Neuroscience shows that sharing your successes boosts dopamine, helping reinforce your evolved identity and upgraded behaviors. It also normalizes success in your body and expands your capacity to receive more good things!

Announcements & Info — Stay in the loop with all the latest updates, important announcements, and upcoming events. This is your go-to spot for everything you need to know to maximize your experience inside the membership!

Upcoming Masterclasses, Workshops, & Courses:

Coming October 2024

Embrace your villain energy by unapologetically putting yourself first. This masterclass teaches you how to boldly pursue your own happiness, disregard the expectations of others, and step fully into your most authentic, empowered self.

Coming december 2024

Delve into shadow work, embracing the repressed and hidden parts of yourself and learning to turn the mess into magic. Get comfortable with the darkness, healing and integrating your deepest layers to emerge more powerful and whole than ever before.

Coming february 2025

Learn to love yourself more deeply and fully. This masterclass is all about infusing your life with vitality, fun, and unapologetic self-celebration, embracing your inner fabulousness and radiating confidence in everything you do.

Coming april 2025

Increase your tolerance for discomfort and stop tying your self-worth to achievement. In Raw & Real, you'll overcome perfectionism, embrace every part of yourself, and learn to take bold, messy action toward your goals.

Coming june 2025

Heal your relationship with money, activate your wealth codes, and magnetically attract abundance. This 25-day experience is your fast track to making more money with ease, embodying your financial power, and living your most freedom-filled life. Say goodbye to scarcity and hello to the energy of "I want it, I’ve got it!"

Coming august 2025

Elevate your leadership and command the respect you deserve. In this masterclass, you'll develop the confidence and presence to lead with authority, inspire others, and stand out as a true thought leader in your industry.

I've already tried mindset work like meditation and journaling and it didn't really help. How is this different and why will it actually help me?

I get it—meditation and journaling can only take you so far. They’re great tools, but they often don’t address the deeper layers of what's holding you back. What makes this different is that we go beyond surface-level mindset work. Inside the membership, we’re focusing on identity, embodiment, and energetics—rewiring how you show up in your business and life.

This isn’t about simply thinking positively or visualizing your success; it’s about transforming who you are at your core so you naturally attract the success and leadership you desire. You’ll be working with techniques designed to shift your subconscious beliefs, recode your energy, and fully step into the powerful, magnetic leader you’re meant to be.

A huge focus of the Authority & Allure framework is archetypal embodiment. Archetypal embodiment is about stepping into the most powerful version of yourself by tapping into universal archetypes that naturally carry certain energies, behaviors, and characteristics. Instead of trying to force change through willpower or surface-level actions, archetypal embodiment allows you to align with a specific energy—whether it’s the confident leader, the magnetic influencer, or the bold creator—that already exists within you.

When you embody these archetypes, you shift not just your mindset, but your energy, behavior, and presence. It creates fast change because you're not trying to "fix" yourself; you’re simply stepping into the version of you that already carries the qualities needed for success. This bypasses the need for endless mindset work and helps you move into alignment quickly, making you more magnetic and allowing you to attract opportunities, clients, and success with ease.

I'm scared I won't be able to commit any time to this because I have a lot going on. How much time does it actually take?

I get it—life is busy, and the last thing you need is something else to stress over. That’s why the Authority & Allure membership is designed to seamlessly integrate into your life without taking over your schedule. The work we do here isn’t about adding more to your to-do list; it’s about shifting how you show up in your life and business, which creates a ripple effect in everything you do.

You'll have access to quick, actionable resources, like coaching inside the Telegram community, embodiment practices that you can do in 15 minutes or less, and quick energy activations.

Plus, the tools and practices you'll learn can be applied in your daily routine, meaning you’re evolving and growing without having to carve out hours of dedicated time. The focus is on lasting change at the identity level, so the time you do spend will create powerful results without overwhelming your schedule.

I want to sign more clients. Wouldn't a strategy course get me faster ROI?

It might seem like a new strategy is the quickest way to get more clients, but here’s the truth: without the right energy and mindset, even the best strategies will fall flat. You could have the perfect offer and content plan, but if you're not showing up as a powerful, magnetic leader who people are naturally drawn to, you’ll still struggle to get the results you want.

Authority & Allure works on a deeper level—helping you embody the confidence, authority, and magnetism that make people want to work with you. When you're aligned with your true power, clients will be drawn to you effortlessly, and every strategy you apply will work better because you are the person who naturally attracts success. This approach creates a foundation for sustainable growth that’s not dependent on constant hustle or chasing trends.

All the memberships I've joined in the past were overwhelming, disorganized, and a dumping ground for a lot of different resources. How is this one different?

Omfg I get it! Really I do. I've joined so many memberships where a bunch of masterclasses were just dumped into Kajabi or everything was one big mess in a Facebook Group. Definitely not the vibe.

I'm the type of person who won't use an app unless I like the interface no matter how good it is and I have three Virgo placements in my chart, so I'm all about organization and making it as easy as possible for you to navigate the membership.

The membership is well organized inside the members portal AND there's also going to be a quick and easy onboarding process to show you where everything is so you can make the most out of your membership.

I don't think I have a magnetic personality. What if I'm just not meant to be a successful leader?

I've often had thoughts like "I'm just not likable", "I'm awkward", "I'm not good with other people".

I used to think that I didn't have a magnetic personality. When I was a kid, I was bullied in school and made fun of for being weird. I never really fit in with any group and no matter what I did to try to fit in, I still felt like an outcast.

This feeling continued into my early adulthood when I went to college and joined a sorority to try to fit in and find some sense of community. But even within my sorority, I often felt like a misfit.

And when I got my first job after college, I was the loner who would sit by herself at the coffee shop inside the office instead of at the big 12-person table for our team because I felt different from everyone else and had no interest in trying to change myself to fit in with those people.

And I had these thoughts until I continued my journey with personal development and decided to start my own business.

My own exploration into self and my personal evolution paired with the marketing and branding work I was doing for my business led me to the realization that there are different ways to be magnetic AND this fun fact: most true, authentic leads (not manipulative cult-ish leaders lol) are actually misfits, outcasts, rebels, and weirdos! Because we are the trailblazers, visionaries, and innovators! We're not like other people, and we're not meant to be!

So maybe you have a bunch of unhelpful thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself and your ability to succeed in business that are currently holding you back from embodying your million dollar magnetism, but the Authority & Allure membership will absolutely change that for you if you're ready and willing to change!

Your evolution is the revolution.

I'm not sure if now is the right time. I'm changing a lot of things in my business and I think I might be going in a different direction. Should I still join?

OMG I am so excited for you that you're changing up a lot of things in your business! That means you're on a path of re-alignment and there's truly no better time to join the Authority & Allure membership than right now. If you're changing things up in business, it's because something feels off, right?

But maybe you haven't figured out what would feel feel better. If you're currently wondering who you are, trying to figure out what you're meant to do with your life, and seeking a way to feel fulfilled in your life and business --- this membership is perfect for you!

You'll learn so much about who you are at your core, the magnetic woman you were born to be (and not the version of you who's been subjected to so much societal conditioning, self-doubt, fears, and limiting beliefs).

You'll learn to let go of everything that's been holding you back and embody your unique magnetism blueprint, which is the key to standing out online, attracting an audience as a leader, and turning your message into a movement that makes an impact.

Can I actually cancel my membership whenever? What are your cancellation policies?

Yup yup! You can email us any time to cancel and your membership will be immediately cancelled once my team receives your email and processes it.

We recommend emailing at least 3 business days before your membership is set to renew so we have time to actually do all the admin stuff, but there's no waiting period or 30-day notice or whatever.

Please note that once we've processed your email, you will lose access to the membership so we recommend waiting until a few days before your membership is set to renew for that reason too.

We're also looking into solutions for "click a button" cancellation so you don't even have to email us, but we haven't made that tech happen yet.

Wtf is "quickie coaching"?

Sometimes you just need a quickie 😉

Quickie Coaching is designed to get you fast results. It's action focused. Rather than going deep into exploration, you will be coached in a way that's designed to give quick shifts.

This will be customized coaching, but instead of looking at each coaching request as part of an ongoing conversation, each coaching request will be treated as its own conversation. The better question you ask, the better coaching you'll receive.

I have a question that isn't listed here...

No problem! Send me a DM on Instagram @roartorich or send us an email at hello@roartorich.com


I want to thank you so much. This has DRAMATICALLY changed how I operate my coaching business and was another eye opener for me in terms of how I was repelling instead of attracting soulmate clients. I don't hop into people's DMs anymore and I STILL get people messaging me and asking me about my services.

You've helped me shed from an old business name Victor Novis and embracing Denise Lee Coaching. I am loving who I am more and it shows in everything from my website to my offers.

I am showing up more confidently because you helped me honor my unique gifts and talents. My clients have noticed a change in me, and I am getting more inquiries because I am learning how to promote who I am in a genuine, caring and authentic way. Thank you again for creating this and I definitely will be referring back to these resources AGAIN and AGAIN as my business grows and evolves.

Denise Lee

Life & Business Coach for Introverted Entrepreneurs

you need authority & allure if...

✨ You’ve invested in countless courses and tried so many different strategies, but you're still not attracting clients or impacting people with your message.

You’re ready to finally make lasting changes by embodying your magnetism and becoming a powerful leader who can easily make millions.

✨ You’ve been at this for a while—building your brand, posting content, and showing up consistently for at least a year—but something still feels off.

You’re ready to do the one thing that will set you apart from everyone else in your industry: fully reclaim your power and own your magic.

✨ You’re not here for magic pills or “overnight” success schemes. You know that growth takes time, but you’re also not interested in wasting any more time on things that don’t work.

You’re ready to follow your magnetic blueprint for an aligned path to the success you know you’re capable of.

✨ You’re already putting in the work. Posting content 5 to 7 times per week, showing up for your audience, and sharing your message consistently—but the results haven’t matched your effort yet, and it’s beyond frustrating.

You want to magnetize your audience and create a movement that has a world-changing impact.

✨ You’ve done the basic mindset work like journaling, meditation, visualization, and while it helped a little, it hasn’t created the real transformation you crave.

You’re ready for something deeper, something that actually shifts your identity, rewires your brain, recodes your energy, and completely changes the way you show up in life and business so you can be your most powerful and profitable self.

✨ Deep down, you know you’re meant for more. You see other leaders making a massive impact, and you feel the calling to have the massive audience, speak on stages, write the book, host retreats.

Your inner wisdom tells you that you’re meant to be playing at that level, leading with confidence and making waves.

✨ You’re open and willing to experiment with embodying your magnetic blueprint and excited to see how much better your audience will react to your content when you step into your authentic, powerful self.

By now you already know that the key to getting paid to be yourself is:

embodying your magnetic blueprint

But let’s be real... if you’ve been building your brand, posting consistently, showing up day after day, and it still feels like no one cares...

If you’re watching other people in your industry blow up while you’re stuck on the sidelines, wondering when it’s going to be your turn to finally be the industry it girl, you need Authority & Allure.

Here’s the hard truth: you can’t hustle and overthink your way to a million-dollar brand.

I’ve seen so many people burn out chasing strategy after strategy, hoping the next course or tactic will finally be the answer. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

The leaders with the huge followings, the speaking gigs, and the book deals? They’re not out there burning themselves to the ground with to-do lists. They’re embodying their magnetism and letting their powerful personal brand do the heavy lifting for them.

Because if your vibes are off, no one will care what you have to say. You’ll feel like you’re screaming into the void and stay stuck wondering why your audience isn’t paying attention, why your offers aren’t converting, why the needle isn’t moving no matter how hard you push.

But you're already so close to being a powerhouse personal brand who attracts clients with ease.

You don’t need to hustle harder, post more, or completely reinvent your brand for the 10th time. The truth is, your success just around the corner.

You’ve been putting in the work. You’ve laid the groundwork. Now, it’s just about tapping into that magnetic energy that’s already inside you.

Authority & Allure is that final shift to take you from feeling stuck and invisible to stepping fully into your power as a leader.

You’re closer to success than you think. All that’s left is to embody the version of you that’s magnetic, confident, and ready to accomplish anything you set your mind to.

Become a magnetic personal brand from the inside out and get paid to be yourself.

We strive to accurately represent the educational value and potential of our programs. However, we cannot guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas shared in our materials. When we present revenue and sales figures on our website and other channels, these are exceptional results and do not reflect the average experience. Please do not view any revenue, sales, or earnings information as a promise or guarantee of success. Your results will depend on factors beyond our control, such as your financial condition, experiences, skills, effort, education, and market changes. Running an online business involves risks, and using the information on this website is at your own risk. Subject to our Terms & Conditions, all content is provided without warranties. By continuing to use our site and content, you agree that we are not responsible for any decisions made based on the information presented or from purchasing our products or services.